Improving competences of engineers & workers in the architecture, engineering and construction industry for delivering NZEBs

The BIMzeED project was introduced in the Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: an International Journal by Croatian team as part of the article Improving competences of engineers and workers in the architecture, engineering and construction industry for delivering NZEBs.

This article described the problems in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry in Croatia concerning the deep energy retrofit (DER) and delivering nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs). The analysis of current formal and informal educational programmes in the AEC industry revealed that topics related to the DER and NZEBs are not adequately covered, or not covered at all, resulting in a lack of qualified workers and professionals. Another major problem detected in conventional project delivery is an absence of an integrated or interdisciplinary approach between all the stakeholders. Introducing the BIM approach and defining new BIM competences can overcome this problem.

Within the article three projects, Fit-to-NZEB, Net-UBIEP and BIMzeED, were introduced dealing with the different aspects of energy efficiency. Improving competences of all the stakeholders in the AEC industry by combining activities of all three projects will undoubtedly increase the quality of NZEBs.

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