VET & HEI Piloting in Ireland
Today there is a major requirement in the construction industry to increase energy efficiency in buildings and reduce their carbon emissions. In line with the EPBD directive, Ireland introduced the NZEB standard through the building regulations (Technical Guidance Document L – Conservation of Fuel and Energy – Dwellings) in late 2019. There is now an […]
BIMzeED meets with External Advisory Board
On the 13th of September 2021, BIMzeED partners met the BIMzeED Advisory Board Members and received feedback about the Learning Units. The Members provided their insights and responded to a short survey during the meeting. The results showed that the majority of experts think that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is the one that […]
BIMzeED Research Presented At CitA BIM Gathering Event
On the 23rd September, Elisabeth O’Brien presented the findings gathered in the paper “Recognised Micro-Learnings To Support The Digital Journey In The Construction Industry” at the CitA BIM Gathering event. The research carried out under BIMzeED project identified a number of gaps between the skills and needs of industry and the current availability of training. […]
Third National Steering Group Meeting held in Croatia
On June 29st, 2020, organized by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering and Regional Energy Agency of Northwest Croatia, a virtual third meeting of the National Steering Group (NSG) was held as part of the BIMzeED project. The meeting brought together 23 NSG members. Srećko Vrček from the Regional Energy Agency of Northwest […]
Piloting in Hungary
In Hungary the first pilot course targeting workers of SMEs will be held in June, the topic will be LU1 Collaborative BIM To Achieve NZEB. ÉMI is in contact with several construction SMEs and training institutions (both Higher Education Institutions and Vocational Training Centres) and started discussions about organizing trainings in the autumn semester. In […]