Train the Trainer

The BIMzeED Train the Trainer workshop was launched at the end of 2020. The free workshop is aimed at Higher Education Institution Educators, Vocational Educational and Training Educators or private trainers in the field of BIM and nZEB. The course consists of pre-recorded videos introducing the BIMzeED project, the training scheme and the developed 12 Learning Units. Through pre- and post-surveys trainers can express their opinion about the content of the workshop, the quality, relevance and usability of the materials.  

BIMzeED partners contacted national stakeholders and educators in the field of BIM and nZEB to invite them to participate in the Train the Trainer workshop. After registration applications were reviewed by the responsible BIMzeED partner and access was granted to the applicants. Until May 2021 more than a 100 trainers registered to access the Train the Trainer workshop and to officially become BIMzeED trainers. 

After the successful completion of the Train the Trainer workshop the participants become BIMzeED trainers and will gain access to the complete material of the BIMzeED Learning Units on the Moodle platform. BIMzeED trainers will be able to pilot each Learning Unit to HEI or VET students and SME workers. According to the results of the feedback surveys participants were satisfied with the Train the Trainer workshop and found the topics important and relevant, the materials useful and high quality.  

BIMzeED trainers in collaboration with the project consortium started piloting the Learning Units in the partner countries for students and SME workers. The BIMzeED partners continue inviting trainers and organizing pilot courses for the developed Learning Units and intend to utilize the experiences and feedback of the participants in the final adjustment of the BIMzeED training materials.  

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