The NZEB Roadshow Project
Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb starts a new adventure through new project The NZEB Roadshow. The nZEB Roadshow project will organize national-scale marketing and communication campaigns in 5 European countries, focused around nZEB weeks organized in 3 to 5 selected cities in each involved country. The nZEB weeks will consist of a multitude of events: construction products and real estate fairs, practical demonstrations and real-time nZEB construction, training courses for designers and construction workers, information sessions and free consultations for citizens active on the real estate market, on-site training at public building renovation sites, and most importantly – career orientation centers and construction job fairs with focus on the local construction sector SMEs. As a focal point of the events, the NZEB Roadshow will get on wheels – through the design and construction of prefabricated modular mobile buildings that will serve as information and demonstration centres for raising awareness of the benefits and specificities of nZEB and will create the necessary prerequisites for effective communication between stakeholders. With very careful attention to exterior and interior design, the centres will offer real-life experience of quality nZEB and will be equipped with all necessary technologies to provide full information of the processes with relevance to the building’s performance in terms of comfort, internal air quality parameters, and energy consumption. In addition, the nZEB Roadshow will add to the current efforts to promote nZEB –related two very important but unfortunately still largely missing components: professional marketing and sales services and strong media partnerships.
The project concept has received strong support by a large number a stakeholders, as 50 dedicated letters of support are attached to the proposal – including 2 ministries, national, regional and local energy agencies, hosting municipalities and actors along the whole value chain of the construction sector.