Second BIMzeED National Steering Group meeting in Hungary
The second National Steering Group meeting in Hungary was held on 30th March 2020. Due to the current global situation the meeting was held online. Experts representing the Hungarian higher education, vocational education, chambers and industry attended the meeting. As organiser ÉMI Nonprofit Llc. presented the aim of the project and the current tasks. ÉMI also presented the previous actions resulting in choosing these specific moduls. All partner countries conducted surveys in order to map the missing and necessary BIM and nZEB skills. Building on the results of the surveys in agreement with the partners ITeC developed the 12 modules presented.
The members of the NSG discussed the modules together and supported the continuation of the work by completing the survey.
The participants agreed in the necessary development of the BIM and nZEB skilss and are open to integrate the proposed modules into existing trainings.