Second BIMzeED National Steering Group in Ireland
The second BIMzeED National Steering Group in Ireland took place on 2nd April 2020.
Due to the global circumstances, a virtual Microsoft Teams meeting was held with 15 expert members from educators, trainers and industry taking part. Organised by LIT, Lis O’Brien updated the members on the progress of BIMzeED with the completion of the literature review and the first proposals for the learning units. Descriptors and Learning outcomes were prepared by ITeC with assistance from all partners. An important collaboration between educators, trainers and industry discussed the LUs and skills needs, with the main objective to improve and upskill the construction sector. Each member was invited to provide suggestions and comments in an online survey prepared by ACE. A further 14 members who were unable to attend the meeting will also contribute by completing the online survey.
The presentation from the day is available here.