Piloting in Croatia

The UniZG team finished a successful pilot training in January 2021 with many achievements to be proud of. The developed LUs 1 and 3 were presented to EQF 7students and with the intention to introduce BIM and NZEB to students, where students gained basic information on BIM and NZEB in LU1 and then utilised BIM to design NZEB building during the semester long design work they had to do.  

Students used the Moodle platform in asynchronous manner, with just basic instructions given by the trainers. They followed the Moodle structure and managed to complete it. 

During the pilot training, the recommended methodology of Design Thinking was used which encourages students to find the most original solution to a real problem given by the teacher, and for which the students has to analyse the situation, establish hypotheses, and foresee possible impacts of the action. 

The course was attended by 35 HEI students in total out of which 24 students of 1st year Master study and 11 students of 2nd year of their Master studies at the UniZG. All these students were complete novices to BIM and also NZEB but never the less, at the end of the course they managed to create a small BIM model and perform required hygrothermal analyses. 

Overall feedback from students is positive to both LU 1 and LU3. There were off course glitches and issues as expected since these were the first students piloting the courses, but the students managed to get through the courses, and complete the required tasks by following the developed training materials. 

In the following months, UniZG team will organise free pilot training courses intended to SMEs and all important vocational schools. In these courses, BIMzeED trainers will focus on wide spreading and strengthening the use of BIM, during the life cycle of the building thus enabling effective and efficient realization of nZEB’s, including quality insurance. 


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