National BIM workshop series in Hungary

ÉMI Nonprofit Llc. as a partner and workpackage leader in BIMzeED started to organize a series of BIM workshops to establish long-term cooperation with leading Hungarian design and construction companies and knowledge centres using the BIM methodology. In 2020 three BIM workshops were implemented at the ÉMI Knowledge Centre in Szentendre (24th July, 24th September and 21st October) where several projects were presented and attendees discussed the current status, challenges and needs of BIM application in the Hungarian construction industry. BIM professional trainings (HEI and VET level) establishment of competence centres, state investments and the preparation of standards and regulations can support the digitalization of the construction industry which is a priority for the Hungarian Government as well. ÉMI Nonprofit Llc. will continue the collaboration with relevant stakeholders during the next series of BIM workshops and will take a leading role in promoting and fostering the digitalization of the Hungarian building industry.

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