Korisnički račun

Cilj registracije je prijava na BIMzeED e-učenje. BIMzeED će koristiti Vaše podatke samo u svrhe korištenja unutar tečajeva BIMzeED –a. Vaši prikupljeni osobni podaci neće se upotrebljavati ni u kakve svrhe osim onih za koje su prikupljeni, neće se upotrebljavati za marketinške aktivnosti, njima se neće postupati na neprimjeren način, neće biti predmetom tajne obrade, neće biti prodani trećoj strani, a njihova eventualna distribucija osobama koje nisu njima ovlaštene raspolagati može biti omogućena isključivo uz Vašu pisanu suglasnost. Svi osobni podaci bit će obrađeni na siguran način, a postavljene su sve odgovarajuće tehničke i organizacijske mjere kako bi se osigurala odgovarajuća organizacija i provedba BIMzeED edukacija. Podaci koje ste dali u ovom obrascu čuvat će se samo za vrijeme trajanja projekta BIMzeED, ali ne dulje od 2 godine od popunjavanja ovog obrasca. Moći ćete zatražiti izmjenu ili uklanjanje svojih podataka u bilo kojem trenutku na kontakt Elisabeth.OBrien@lit.ie.

Registration Process

The aim of this application form is to register for the BIMzeED E-Learning courses. BIMzeED shall only use the information provided by you, solely for the purposes for use within the BIMzeED training courses and not for any other purpose, unless specifically agreed between all partners. BIMzeED shall process all necessary Personal Data fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner and the provided information will not be disclosed to any external sources. All Personal Data shall be processed in a secure method, and all appropriate technical and organisational measures have been set up to keep up to date the necessary accurate data required, to ensure the appropriate organisation and implementation of the BIMzeED Trainings. The information provided by you within this form will only be kept for the duration of BIMzeED project, but no longer than 2 years from the completion of this form. You will be able to request modification or removal of your data at any time by writing to Elisabeth.OBrien@lit.ie.

(nearly Zero-Energy Building is a building that has a very high energy performance where the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby)

(The acronym stands for both the building information modelling (the process) and building information model (the artefact) - construction of a model that contains the information about a building from all phases of the building life cycle)

(nearly Zero-Energy Building is a building that has a very high energy performance where the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby)

Personal Details

21-30 years old
31-40 years old
41-50 years old
older than 50 years old


Education & Previous Qualifications

Please enter details of your qualifications and any relevant course(s) you are attending/have attended – in University, Institute of Technology, other Third Level College, VET organization, Private Trainer Organisation, etc.

Highest level of education/qualification: *
Secondary education
Bachelor's degree
Masters' Degree
Other, please specify

Type of qualifications *
Name of QualificationYear of Completion

Employment Experience (if applicable)

Please give details of any relevant full-time or relevant part time employment since leaving second-level school describe the type of work undertaken and duration of employment.

Number of hours taught related to nZEB: *
0-10 hours
11-50 hours
51-100 hours
100+ hours
Number of hours taught related to BIM: *
0-10 hours
11-50 hours
51-100 hours
100+ hours

Type of target groups you train: *
VET students
HEI students
SME workers
Other, please specify

General knowledge on BIM
Design experience on BIM
Teaching in BIM courses
Learning in BIM courses
Teaching nZEB design and implementation
Special knowledge/skill/competence in nZEB technologies and its BIM relevance
Knowledge in BIM libraries of the industry
You must select at least one checkbox

Increasing my teaching experience and portfolio in BIM and nZEB
Competence, Skills and Knowledge for my workplace as design office
Competence, Skills and Knowledge as contractor for BIM and nZEB
Building better cooperation with other crafts
Building better cooperation with other stakeholders
Building Ability to coach my teammate in BIM and nZEB
Finding/decreasing the failure opportunities in design and implementation
Assisting to increase the quality aspects of the building/construction process
You must select at least one checkbox

Better understanding the BIM in design
Better understanding BIM in construction phase
Better understanding and adequate tool for the stakeholders cooperation during the project life time
Tools for working different crafts together
More knowledge and competence in the whole building design process
Building further knowledge on smart technologies both design, installation and operational phase
Better cooperation with the industrial partners
Better cooperation with the academic partners
You must select at least one checkbox


I declare that
a)the information given by me in this application is true and accurate.
b) I authorise the BIMzeED consortium to only use my personal data given above within the BIMzeED project in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).
c) If I am admitted as a BIMzeED Trainer, I will abide by the Rules and Regulations provided by the BIMzeED consortium

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Community

©2019 BIMZeED Pravila privatnosti Opći uvjeti