“Green Building, BIM & nZEB” Webinar
Representative of the BIMzeED project Bojan Milovanović from the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb will actively participate on online discussion “Green Building, BIM & nZEB”.
The panel discussion will cover current topics related to the Guidelines for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), new technologies and will clarify the role of BIM in the whole process. BIMzEED project will be presented as well as main activities and results achieved.
The collaboration of the real sector, Green Building Councils and Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb aims to bring BIM and nZEB closer to the professionals.
The free panel discussion will be held on 7th May 2020.
For more info or to register, please check: http://www.gbccroatia.org/dogadanja/online-panel-diskusija-zelena-gradnja-bim-and-nzeb/389.html?fbclid=IwAR3LPzbwUl4MEWDiHV_NL1VoFBrt2rdtsSZYnb3jXTgihg03f75QFOBbCLc