First National Steering Group Meeting in Barcelona
On May 7, 2019 at the Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology in Barcelona, the first meeting of the National Steering Group (NSG) was arranged by ITeC and Fundació CIM-UPC to gather information about the sector regarding BIM and NZEB construction. The NSG will act as an associate partner of the project and thus contribute significantly to the quality of the project results and, at the same time, strengthen co-operation among stakeholders.
The meeting started with a presentation of the project by Jose Lucas from ITeC and Adriana Caballero and Antoni Caballero from Fundació CIM-UPC. During this presentation milestones and objectives were presented and the role of the National Steering Group was explained. The meeting was attended by 25 representatives from various sectors of the construction sector – state and local government, construction managers, architects, universities and associations and clusters.
During this first meeting we discussed the relationship between BIM technology and NZEB construction (level of implementation BIM, software used for each activity developed…), interactions of NZEB buildings and building certificates (NZEB regulation in Spain, software and methodology to design buildings based on energy demand…), regulatory aspects to take into account and different educational materials that we should study related with BIMzeED.
The meeting ended with a general conclusion from every partner involved – the necessity of defining the standard information needed to calculate an NZEB building at a European level. This approach would minimize the risk of having non replicable learning units due different regulations applicable in each country and a more standardized education based on a NZEB construction methodology.