Building Energy Modelling (BEM) Design and Export – Spain

Building Energy Modelling (BEM) Design and Export will teach you how to develop a Building Energy Model (BEM) and how it affects the design of nZEB buildings. BEM grants advantages to thermomechanical and energy performance fields. Export properties and functionalities will be explained to deliver a BEM to an energy simulation tool. Considering the knowledge acquired in this training you will speed up your work, be able to prevent future needs and provide a preventive solution.


  • Generate a Building Energy Model (BEM) and evaluate its positive impact on the workflow of nZEB design.
  • Design and export a Building Energy Model (BEM) considering nZEB requirements and parameters.
  • Generate a Building Energy Model (BEM) of existing buildings to rehab them into nZEB buildings.

Who should attend this course?

Students of the MER Master of the Fundació CIM-UPC with the following profiles:

  • Architects
  • Engineering Consultancies
  • Designers
  • Project Managers
  • Specialists in Green Building


The course will be delivered in a single session and the rest of the content will be learned independently.

  • Wenesday, 07th July: 18.00h -21.00h (CET)

Please note: This course is aimed at students of the MER Master of the Fundació CIM-UPC as a complement to the knowledge they have acquired during the course programme.


Registration for this course is closed.


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