Construction Blueprint
The Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance project, Construction Blueprint, gathers 3 EU umbrella sectorial organisations, 9 national sectorial representatives and 12 VET providers (24 partners) from 12 EU countries. These partners are working together on a new sectorial strategic approach for the co-operation of skills in the construction industry throughout Europe.
A Sectoral Skills study has been carried out, identifying political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors (Pestle analysis) and the Strategic Roadmap and Action Plan on sectoral skills is available to assist with matching the construction workers’ skills and the labour market demands through VET.
Following on from this Strategic Roadmap, Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) are working with partners Berufsförderungswek des Bauindustrie NRW, to:
- Develop an interactive map displaying existing good practice initiatives and skill shortages across the construction industry in Europe.
- We will be launching the Construction Blueprint Interactive Map in May which has collected data from 13 countries and available to view on the website at http://constructionblueprint.eu/initiative-map/
- Develop and pilot short online training modules to assist with upskilling construction workers and professionals in the fields of: circular economy, energy efficiency, digitalisation and health & safety.
- A number of training materials have been presented by partners and Construction Blueprint will avail of the digital library prepared by the BIMzeED project. The trainings will be available on the OER platform managed by LIT during 2020 and 2021.
Further development of the Watch Tower and Observatory are also underway.
Read more at the Construction Blueprint Website: http://constructionblueprint.eu
- Develop an interactive map displaying existing good practice initiatives and skill shortages across the construction industry in Europe.