BIMzeED meets with External Advisory Board

On the 13th of September 2021, BIMzeED partners met the BIMzeED Advisory Board Members and received feedback about the Learning Units. The Members provided their insights and responded to a short survey during the meeting. The results showed that the majority of experts think that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is the one that most need training in nZEB and BIM in their countries. The expert also raked the Learning Units considering the Learning Unit 1 Collaborative BIM to achieve NZEB the most important unit to recommend to their colleagues, followed by LU5 – NZEB Realization and commissioning: Quality Assurance, LU11 – Nearly Zero Energy Building Facility Management, and LU12 – BIM in Facility Management Software (CMMS). Overall, all experts would recommend the BIMzeED programme and the majority is interested in Piloting the programme in their institution.

The expert also provided a detailed assessment of the Learning Units prior to the meeting. The BIMzeED partners will take the Expert inputs into consideration on the final revision of the learning units.

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