BIMalliance – The Alliance of BIMcert, BIMplement, Net-UBIEP and BIMEET
Four Horizon 2020 projects on BIM (BIMcert, BIMplement, Net-UBIEP and BIMEET) are collaborating under the title BIMalliance to explore areas of mutual opportunity and to minimise the energy footprint in construction sector.
The focus of work of the BIMalliance is:
- Energy targets and energy savings – To determine the position of BIM in the European Energy and Climate Roadmaps beyond 2020, in order to explore potential funding sources for the activities.
- Dissemination and communication – Establishing a common communication and collaboration platform of the projects in order to better inform stakeholders and followers.
- Accreditation and certification – To initiate a common pan-European recognized certification scheme of BIM and EE skills in AEC industry (signed memorandum of understanding with buildingSMART)
- Exploitation of results – to prepare and distribute a survey for assessment of the progress on BIM maturity and acceptance, as a result of the activities of the projects; to develop a common report with guidelines for future actions.
- Future Collaborative opportunities
This collaboration enables all partners in the BIMalliance to share materials, modules and learning material. University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (UZ-FCE) is one of the partners of the BIMzeED project and an original member of BIMalliance.
On the other hand, the Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology (IteC), a member of the Spanish Chapter of BuildingSmart, which have a great activity related to BIM (https://en.itec.cat/services/bim/), have joined BIMalliance in order to develop their digital library of BIM materials (https://metabase.itec.cat/bim/ca/filter?src=butBim), and their BIM object creation standard (https://ecobject.com/).