BIM and nZEB – it is time to react now!
Under Net-UBIEP (Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Performance of Buildings) project survey was conducted about using BIM to increase energy performance of buildings. The purpose of survey was to assess the implementation of building information modelling (BIM) as a tool and a process for energy efficiency application among key stakeholders (public administration, designers, constructors, supervising engineers, technicians, owners) in order to understand the current use of BIM, benefits of using BIM, obstacles to using BIM as well as possible future use.
According to results of the Net-UBIEP survey, BIM is necessary for the future design of near zero energy buildings! Also, it is necessary to increase the competences of all participants related to the energy efficiency in the construction sector. The time is to react now!
Project Net-UBIEP aims at increasing energy performance of buildings by wide spreading and strengthening the use of BIM, during the life cycle of the building. The use of BIM will allow to simulate the energy performance of the building using different materials and components, both the to be used in the building design and/or in building design refurbishment.
For more information about the project please visit www.net-ubiep.eu.